Experience Overview

There is no doubt that it takes both intelligence and creativity to become a top chef, and Melissa King has plenty of both. In fact, both of those attributes certainly helped her become one of the top performers on season 12 of Top Chef, and since then her star has only continued to rise and shine. It should come as little surprise that she’s been a success, although the culinary world is perhaps a bit of a surprise. Her parents were both successful engineers, one in the field of aerospace and the other in electrical, and Melissa herself has a degree in cognitive science. But her passion is with cooking, and you can see that first-hand with our exclusive Melissa King Digital Dining Experience.

Much more than just an instructional video, your Melissa King interactive culinary demonstration is a live event, complete with the latest technology to allow you to make comments and take part in a question and answer session with Melissa. Whether you want to ask her about her experience on one of TV’s biggest cooking shows or get some tricks and tips about her specialty in modern California cuisine or query her about working with Whole Foods Market, you can do it.

Zinc Agency has developed the perfect recipe, so to speak, to cook up a perfect digital culinary experience with Melissa King, as well as with numerous other world class chefs. To make the event a little more special, you can include a business component to kick things off, and there is an option to receive a Melissa King signed cookbook. In only a few short years, Melissa has risen to the top of the culinary world, and you can enjoy an intimate Melissa King digital experience from the comfort of your own kitchen. You’ll come away with a memorable experience and perhaps some new skills to elevate your own cooking game. dosug-tomsk.ru